988 | New 3-digit phone number for mental health crisis hotline
988 mental health crisis hotline to be activated Saturday
New 3-Digit Number For National Suicide Prevention Hotline Aims For Crisis Intervention And De-escal
988 | Shorter suicide hotline number sets direct line to mental health crisis
What it's like answering calls for a suicide and crisis hotline | SBS The Feed
Mobile crisis intervention team responding to mental health calls without police
Mobile Crisis Response Teams available countywide
National mental health crisis number is officially "988"
One month after 988 rollout, Idaho crisis hotline sees increase in calls
People In Crisis: Henrico Area Mental Health Crisis Center
California set to launch 988 mental health crisis hotline number
The new suicide hotline is 988! We’re excited that crisis support will be more accessible ☎️🤍
New 988 crisis hotline now providing mental health and suicide support
Promise of 988: Crisis Care for Everyone, Everywhere, Every Time - Ep 7 | BehavioralHealthLink.com
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline launches Saturday
What is a Crisis Center?
Colorado crisis counselors prepare for launch of national mental health hotline 988
Increase in Suicide & Crisis Lifeline calls, texts since number change
Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova PD reveal new Mobile Crisis Support Team
Advocates say Canada needs 3-digit mental health crisis line