Sedimentary rocks and the source to sink system
Unlocking the Secrets of Source Rocks
Characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks: Size, Provenance, and Composition
Sedimentary Accumulation of Black Carbon on the East Coast of The United States (Abstract)
3b. Carbon Sources and Sinks
Can sedimentary rocks be dated?
Measuring breathing rocks – carbon dioxide release during sedimentary rock weathering | 05.12.22
Sedimentary Rocks III - Deposition & Diagenesis
The Age of the Earth
SedCu workshop: Potential source rocks in the Stuart Shelf: David Champion
Sedimentary Rocks
Rock Identification with Willsey: Sedimentary Rocks (Chert and Coal)
Lesson 7: Source Rocks for Hydrocarbon Generation
Uncovering Surprising Insights Geochemical Data Analysis Revolutionizes Hydrocarbon Exploration
Why Are Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks Important to Our Society? (Chapter 7 - Section 7.14)
Hydrocarbon Source Rock
Sedimentary Rocks Introduction
Weathering of sedimentary rocks as a positive feedback on climate - Bob Hilton
Fossil organic carbon utilization in marine Arctic fjord sediments by subsurface micro-organisms
Classification of Sedimentary Rocks Part 1: Terrigenous/Siliciclastic Rocks