HOW TO USE THOU well as thee, thy, ye & you.
25 Truly SHOCKING Origins of Common Phrases
Where did English come from? - Claire Bowern
A brief history of plural word...s - John McWhorter
ANGLISH: English without the 'foreign' bits
OLD NORSE IN ENGLISH: The words the Vikings left behind
😎 Anent Meaning - Anent Defined - Anent Definition - Thereanent Examples Anent Whereanent Thereanent
The Interesting Etymology Behind 70 Words
Why doesn't English have genders? Well... it did!
What's the Earliest English Word?
Etymology and surprising origins of English words
Old English word-hord — Vocabulary
6 - Old English Word Formation
What does Old English sound like? [Shorts]
Word Comparison: Old English and Old Norse
Basic VS Advanced English #Shorts
LOST LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET: 9 letters we stopped using
Old English Lesson 1 : Pronounciation
Weird plurals in English: Men, geese, sheep, knives and many more