Alex Nord - Advances in our understanding of the genetics of intellectual disability
Autosomal Intellectual Disability - 700 Genes and Counting
Fragile X Syndrome: The Most Common Form of Inherited Mental Illness
Genetics in Intellectual Disability - Systems of Care ECHO for Multi-System Youth
Intellectual Disabilities - Alicia Bazzano, MD, PhD | Pediatric Grand Rounds
Intellectual disability and scientific research: from diagnosis to treatment
Aging and Dementia with Intellectual with Intellectual Developmental Disability
What is Intellectual Disability?
Dementia and Developmental Disabilities
Fragile X Syndrome Overview and the CONNECT-FX Clinical Trial
A Genetic Mechanism Underlying a Form of Autism/Intellectual Disability and a Potential Treatment
What is an Intellectual Disability? Lesson for Kids
Genetic Testing for Autism Part 2: Types of Genetic Testing
GPs, Healthcare and Patients with Intellectual Disability & Autism
Overview of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Working to support the mental health of children with an intellectual disability
The Reason for Almost All Mental Illnesses - Prof. Jordan Peterson
Common Learning Disabilities
Aging and Dementia with Intellectual Developmental Disability
DCP 2013: Professor Chris Oliver on "challenging behaviour" and "intellectual disability"