FDA’s Rulemaking Process and Planned Tobacco Product Standards webinar
The Surprising History of Tobacco
Why Big Tobacco Didn't Fail
Interview with Dr. Allan Brandt on FDA Regulation of Tobacco
15. The Tobacco Paradigm
The FDA's Tobacco Regulation Paradox
16. Evolution of Tobacco Law
Michigan bills targets youth tobacco use with flavor bans, stricter sales laws
1994 - Tobacco Company CEOs Testify Before Congress
How Big Tobacco Intentionally Made Snacks Addictive
Is There Such a Thing as a Safe(r) Cigarette? Tobacco Regulation and the FDA
Tobacco Regulation
FDA Center for Tobacco Products: Celebrating 10 Years of the Tobacco Control Act
FDA Tobacco Rulemaking 101 - How does FDA make rules about tobacco products?
Tobacco: The Most Evil Business in the World
Global Tobacco Control Policy
Importing Tobacco Products Into the USA: Restrictions and Guidelines
Regulating Tobacco Products: An International, Federal & State Level Perspective